
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

when the cat is away the mice will play
but what game will they want to adhere to?
there is a game of chance
a game of thrones
and a game of hide and go seek
God will always resist the proud
and reside with the lowly and meek

some people ask you to do something for them
to help them in all that they do
but when you learn what it is they need help on
they turn and say "monkey see monkey don't do"

some people don't like to ask for help
but know that they need it more than most
it's also a form of pride
always ask for help on the Lord's side
and you will get help from the Helper
the Holy Ghost

some people get through with lies
because someone made them believe that they could
but even though most lie
people don't really like being lied to
we all need a world of less liars
and more of those who hunger after good

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